
Four Lanes

Infant School

A flying start...

Attendance & Punctuality

What to do if your child is absent


  • Contact the school office by phone (01256-324256) or by email ( on the first day of absence and each subsequent day your child is off school.
  • Send a written note explaining why your child has been absent on the day they return to school.


For full details see the Attendance Policy below.



Leave of absence requests

Occasionally families may request leave for other reasons such as religious observances, participation in a public performance/examination, the death of a close member of the child’s family or a holiday.  The Headteacher is only able to authorise absence in exceptional circumstances.  In making a request for an authorised absence from school you will need to explain why the circumstances are exceptional.  To request leave of absence, please complete and return a ‘Request to authorise absence from school due to exceptional circumstances’ form This form is also available from the school office.  Where the request is related to a holiday, the form should be submitted to the school at least fourteen days before the proposed first day of absence and before a booking is made.  Please note there is no general right to authorise absence for a family holiday. If you take your child out of school without permission the absence will be unauthorised and we will consider legal action.



From the start of term in September 2022, the classroom doors open at 08:45 ready for registration at 08:55.  Please ensure your child is in class by then.  If you arrive after 08:55, the playground gates may be locked and school can only be accessed via the main entrance.  Any arrivals after 08:56 will be marked as late; Any arrivals after 09:16 will be marked as unauthorised leave.


For full details, please see the Attendance Policy above. 
