On-site clubs
Before School Club open from 7:30am
After School Club open until 6pm
Contact Details: 01256-324256
Willowdene Chineham before school, after school and holiday care for children up to 11 years of age.
Contact Details: 01256 324191 E-mail: willowdene@btconnect.com
Willowdene Sherflied Park after school and holiday care for children up to 11 years of age.
Contact Details: 01256 884167 E-mail: willowdenesherfield@btconnect.com
Linguatastic before school, after school and holiday care combined with support for the development of modern foreign language skills.
Contact Details: 01256 471474 E-mail: info@linguatastic.com Website: www.linguatastic.com
Neon Judokwai Judo lessons - After school club on Fridays for children aged 5 to 7 years from 3.15pm at Four Lanes Junior school
Contact Details - Website: http://www.neonjudo.co.uk
For School Clubs follow the link below.